Words & Tales

About Me (Sally):

Born & bred in the Midwest. Came to Hollywood to be a screenwriter. Things aren’t going so good. Lost day job, apartment and crowing cock boyfriend all in one week. Dilemma: #1 move back to Milwaukee and work at the brewery or #2 move into boarding house (aka Nuthouse) and live with other financially forlorn folks working on their dream. Chose #2. Landlady is Borbala, a squat smellfungus from Bulgaria. (Think Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter.) Tenants call her the Trog—or “a big ole boob and a bully.” Have you ever had to tolerate a Trog? This blog is dedicated to all those who have, and lived to tell the tale. #TrogBlog


After a long day of Trog trouble, I went out on the balcony and spotted a lone star in the L.A. sky:

Star light, star bright,

First star I see tonight,

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have the wish I wish tonight…
